top of page Bestseller from Best-Selling Author Marion Zola about raising shelter animals and pets

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Do You Love Books About Dogs or Dog Stories? 

ROMANCING THE DOG takes you on a unique romp laced with poignant moments about just how much one dog can transform his humans’ lives. When rescue dog Chips, enters the neat routines of a middle-aged couple, he messes with them in delectable ways, his new guardians being led from one challenge to another. This is a dog story about a “poodle mix” from the shelter that turned out to be a purebred Tibetan Terrier named Chips who seems to always have the upper paw.  His antics send Marion’s and her husband’s stress levels off the charts. As you follow this trio through their journey of joy and angst “You will laugh and cry and hopefully smile while you learn from this very touching account of a true human-animal bond”.   Each page is filled with the fun and satisfaction of living with and saving the life of a shelter dog.  You won’t want it to end.  Click on this link to get your copy now!     Here's a short snippet from Chapter One of “Romancing the Dog.:   “On walks in the area we always stopped to pet OPD - Other People’s Dogs – and naturally began thinking of getting our own.  People have fantasies about pets, like they do about children.  We’ll do this with them and that – I summoned up visions of Frisbee and ball games in the yard with an exuberantly happy and independent dog, nights by the fire with Sam and I reading, the pooch playing with his latest toy.  Vacations would be no problem.  We would pop him or her into a doggy camp we had heard about.  All the built-in joy of outdoor life among similarly privileged pets had to be nirvana.  By now, Sam worked more and more at home, not needing to be at his office as often.  With both of us at home, having a dog seemed like a snap.  And with Sam’s company winding down, he only went to the office in Northern California for a few days now and then.   I wanted to make sure that we adopted a homeless dog, any one whose life was at risk.  After all, over four to six million dogs a year are put to death just because there is no one to give them a home.   Sam clearly yearned for another Daisy.  Like most people, he wanted a dog like the one he had already known and loved. Given our separate requirements meant finding a homeless female Miniature Poodle.  How hard could that be? Click on this link to read more from my dog story now..

A shelter dog moves to Beverly Hills – and turns his guardians' lives upside down!

In this can’t-put-it-down book, Author Marion Zola lovingly documents how she and her husband adopted “Chips” from a local rescue group – and got a bit more than they bargained for when they brought him home to Beverly Hills!

Chips manages to single-handedly supply all the drama, happiness, worry and guilt of a handful of children. And, like all pets, he enlarges and enriches their lives in ways they never expected – bringing new friends into it and teaching them lessons about the special bond between people and their animal companions.





Shelter Dog with a bow tie on the couch black and white canine

You don’t have to have a dog to LOVE this book!​​

Already a BEST SELLER on!


"Anyone who loves dogs will find this journey moving, funny, and well worth taking. You won't want it to end."
“High Paws to a Pawsitively wonderfully written book
about the life of a rescue book.  A must-read for all dog lovers."


"Romancing the Dog is a must-read for ... ANIMAL lovers.
You will recognize yourselves described on the pages, and you will fall in love, with Chips, Marion and Sam, just as I did."​
For more reader reviews of Romancing the Dog, click here.

© 2013-2021 Best-Selling Author Marion Zola ®

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