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  • Writer's picturemarionzola

2020 Not All Bad

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

Most of us are happy to see this difficult year go, but I must say that for rescue groups, Covid provided some good news -- a groundswell of adoptions took place as people stuck at home realized how enhanced their lives could be with the love of a dog or cat. Thousands of people who were not planning to get a companion animal, decided that it was time to do so. All those I know who did get a companion animal are so glad they did. And for the dogs and cats it's been a marvelous time as they got to spend more time with their humans than ever before. More people than ever were not rushing off to work, but simply staying at home to do everything necessary on the computer. Here's hoping that when this awful virus is over, more people will continue to work from home and those that must leave to work will make good arrangements for the hours their furry friends stay alone. A few hours should be no problem, but for folks that will be gone eight hours from their houses and don't work at one of the enlightened businesses that allow dogs in the workplace, they will hopefully make arrangements so that there's daycare or walkers for these animals who are so used to our presence. Wishing you all a healthy and happy New Years.

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