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Older Dogs

Writer's picture: marionzolamarionzola

Today, in the “Beverly Hills Courier,” there is a notice from the Shelter Of Hope dog rescue that they have two small, wonderful, twelve-year-old mixed breed dogs for adoption. Separating them would certainly be cruel as they only have each other in this world. I’ve written before about the many virtues and advantages of adopting older dogs, as my husband and I have done. I have nothing but contempt for people who give away older dogs because “they’re moving.” How ridiculous! If they cared at all about these animals and they’re moving somewhere that doesn’t allow dogs or they’re too sick to provide care for them, then they should have made arrangements for some compassionate person or family to care for them before this. People who love their dogs don’t move, unless they have no choice, to a facility or apartment that doesn’t allow dogs. We have in our Will, and I hope you have in yours, who will get our dog in case of sudden death or incapacity. If you don’t have it, please do so.

Whoever “owned” our own fourteen-year-old dog before we did, left her in a field to fen for herself at 10 years old. She was not fixed and had thirteen tumors in her mammary glands. I feel certain that the people who had her used her for breeding and when she was too old to breed, they just threw her away.

The shelter which picked her up could not afford all the surgeries and dental work she needed. They called a wonderful rescue group in Pacific Grove, California, Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, which specializes in older dogs. They will also take dogs from people who die and have not found someone to care for their pets. Peace of Mind did all the surgeries our dog needed (the tumors turned out to be benign.) She then came to us, as we were then fostering for the rescue group. For complicated personal reasons, we did not want to adopt at the time. We took her many places with an “adopt me” scarf on her neck for six weeks, but no one offered to adopt her. Many, many people came over to admire or pet her. She is adorable, but no takers. By then, despite our complications, we could no longer give her up. She’s been with us ever since and what a blessing for all of us. She is a bundle of love, very easy and undemanding. I highly recommend older dog adoption. Please see my last blog that explains why.

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